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Protect Your Investment with an Expert Labour Law Consultant

Are you currently sitting with a serious workplace dispute that requires urgent assistance? Considering that up to 97% of businesses throughout South Africa lose their workplace disputes, can you really afford to take any chances?

A multifaceted practice, driven by the government to protect workers’ rights and the employer’s profits, labour law is a critical part of running any business. There are many facets of labour law, so much so that many employers often don’t realise how many rules and regulations there are, leading to uncertainty, confusion, and financial loss. With over 18 million employed people in South Africa and with over 100 000 CCMA cases taking place each year, it is important that employers adhere to the following:

  • Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA);
  • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA);
  • Employment Equity Act (EEA);
  • Labour Relations Act (LRA);
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA);
  • Skills Development Act (SDA);
  • Skills Development Levies Act (SDLA);
  • Constitution (Bill of Rights); and
  • South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) but to name a few.

For employers to master the above, they need the services of an expert labour law consultant.

The Many Services of a Labour Law Consultant

It is important that companies are kept up to date with the latest developments with regards to employment laws and new legislation. A labour law consultant can not only help your company with complicated labour laws and legal jargon, but also offer expert advice and services that include the following:

  • Attend to all aspects of Health and Safety requirements.
  • Chair all your internal grievances, as well as incapacity and disciplinary enquiries.
  • Consult on all aspects of HR and IR.
  • Deal with in-house training, Skills Development, Employment Equity, and Organisational Development.
  • Draft codes, policies, and procedure manuals.
  • Draft employment contracts, restraints of trade, and confidentiality agreements.
  • Manage disputes relating to restraints and confidentiality.
  • Manage retrenchments, strikes, and picketing.
  • Manage the induction and training of employees.
  • Manage the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
  • Provide legal representation at the:
    • CCMA;
    • Bargaining Councils;
    • Labour Courts;
    • Labour Appeal Court;

Your business is one of the greatest investments you have, which is why you need to guard it. To learn more about how an expert labour law consultant can protect your business, contact our expert labour law consultants at CHA Group today for more information.


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