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Why You Need Labour Consulting Services

Heard of someone that lost a case at the CCMA because they never followed the correct procedure and were forced to pay their employee six months’ salary? Dealing with misconduct, poor performance, and many other labour-related issues often result in costly legal consequences, and sometimes, even liquidation.

Today, the South African LRA has a Code of Good Practice that employers must keep to, which means employers need to be careful about how they treat, discipline, and dismiss their employees. In addition to the thousands of cases handled by the Labour Court, the CCMA deals with over 100 000 cases relating to unfair practice each year. As a result, more and more small businesses are outsourcing consulting services.

Driven to protect workers’ rights and protect the employer’s productivity and profits, labour law and HR are integral to running any business. South African laws are constantly evolving, and its critical employers stay current with all aspects of laws and regulations, so they can provide a favourable working environment for employees.

It is also the employer’s job to ensure that employees understand their rights and what is expected of them in the workplace. From the BCEA, Employment Equity, LRA, Occupational Health and Safety, and the Constitution (Bill of Rights) to UIF – failure to adhere to these regulations can cost employers dearly.

For this reason, labour consulting services exist.

When you hire the services of a consultant, you are hiring a professional who has studied law and HR. Consultants are trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of employee relations, and can provide the expert knowledge required to keep your business compliant and safe from the CCMA. Not only will consulting services help cut through all the legal jargon stipulated on acts and laws, but these services go a long way in assisting with:

  • Recruitment, including advertising, interviewing, background/reference checks, etc.
  • Chairing of disciplinary enquiries, prosecuting on behalf of the employer, representation of employees in internal grievances, disciplinary enquiries, and incapacity enquires.
  • Legal representation at CCMA, Bargaining Councils, Labour Courts, Labour Appeal Court, High Courts, the Supreme Court of Appeals, and the Constitutional Court.
  • Drawing of contracts, restraints of trade, confidentiality agreements, codes, policies, procedure, and induction and training manuals.
  • Employment equity and in-house training and facilitation on BBBEE.
  • Dismissals and retrenchments.
  • Disputes relating to restraints or confidentiality.
  • Strikes and picketing.


At CHA Group, we can assist your company. Whether you are looking for assistance with an underperforming employee, recruitment, payroll, or contracts and best practices in line with current legislation and regulations, labour consulting services can help your small business stay compliant, grow, and save money.

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