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How to Ensure Procedurally Fair Disciplinary Action by Making Use of Labour Consultants

The CCMA deals with well over 100 000 cases annually, most having to do with unfair dismissal claims by employees against employers. Ensuring procedurally and substantively fair disciplinary action is taken when dealing with disciplinary matters is essential if you, as an employer, want to avoid costly CCMA Awards. One way to ensure such is to make use of HR outsourcing to make sure that you have experienced consultants to deal with disciplinary proceedings and actions.

HR outsourcing regarding such helps your firm to avoid non-compliance with South African labour laws. Our consultants will ensure that your firm’s disciplinary procedures are aligned with procedures stipulated in the Labour Relations Act. Our consultants will help you to determine whether or not the employee is guilty of poor performance or misconduct as it is essential to take the right disciplinary action related to the offence. This also applies to the eventual termination of employment.

The correct procedures must be followed, and, in this regard, you will definitely benefit from HR outsourcing. Our consultants will provide you with the necessary guidance and advice to ensure you can take relevant and appropriate action. Such action should be in accordance with the requirements of the Labour Relations Act and must be fair.

You can focus on core business activities to ensure the growth and success of the business as opposed to trying to keep up with all the regulations regarding disciplinary action and fair dismissals. We will advise you about every action to take and how to conduct disciplinary hearings. In addition, we will help your firm to deal with HR and industrial issues.

If you have yet to understand how HR outsourcing can benefit your firm, consider how easy it is to make one procedural mistake in dealing with misconduct or poor performance. The mistake can lead to the issue being referred to the CCMA. Indeed, in 40% of the cases referred to the CCMA for arbitration, employers have lost their cases. Also consider that a whopping 80% of cases heard by the CCMA are specifically for unfair dismissal issues.

HR outsourcing of the labour relations management function to our consultants will help to ensure that policies are in place to deal with disciplinary matters and keeping it in line with the legislative requirements. We will help to ensure correct procedures are followed to minimise the risk of having to appear before the CCMA in a dispute or losing your case because of a mistake made in taking disciplinary action against an employee.

With HR outsourcing, you benefit from our expertise in setting up employment contracts, handling appeal hearings, addressing shop steward and grievance meetings, handling of union intervention, and disciplining staff by means of warnings, counselling and more. We also help you to prepare for CCMA or Bargaining Council hearings and to present your firm at such hearings.

Get expert guidance and presentation through HR outsourcing of the labour relations management function to our team of consultants.

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